Sunday, December 19, 2010


This project, a horror / detective story, currently on hold, was started in the summer. It revolves around a popular junior high school student suffering from mild heat stroke in the deadliest heat wave in Tokyo history. Reckless at heart, and obviously in denial, the ailing boy, is suddenly haunted by dead people.

It all started online in the school's chat-room. A link posted anonymously, which he clicked, brought him to a seedy website depicting uncensored images of violent deaths. One by one, the mangled, destroyed bodies sears into his mind, while the stomping, teeth gnashing headache, ultimately, breaks down his spirit.

Alienating himself from friends at school and people around him, the terrified boy befriends the mysterious, lonely goth girl in class. Strangely, he doesn't ever remember seeing her in any of his classes--and her desk is just a few seats behind his. Eventually, the boy confides in her and her advice to him: extreme violence will get your confidence back.

Commuters on the train won't even know what hit 'em.